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Mandisa Dukashe



Mandisa is a nurse openly living with HIV, an Aids ambassador and a motivational speaker. She was diagnosed with HIV while studying B-cur degree (2nd year) in 2002. She decided to study further focusing in HIV to know more about her condition and  later obtained Advanced Clinical Management of HIV and Advanced Project management. She is currently studying Masters in Public health. 


Mandisa has been involved in community mobilization, advocating quality health care for all especialy people infected and affected with HIV and AIDS. She has invested her time developing health programs for non-profit organizations, developing monitoring and evaluation frameworks, organizational development, governance and leadership, research, training and mentoring in particular for health and livelihood development programs.


She has done motivational talks for government departments, tertiary insitutions and on local radio station in the Eastern Cape sharing her personal story of living with HIV and advocating for PLWHIV human rights. 


She has worked with and for a number of International and local Organizations such as Siyakhana Health Trust, International Aids Care and Treatment Program ( Icap), Khethimpilo and Eastern Cape Regional Training Center and is a member of Taking it Globally


She developed an interest in working with communities (HIV infected and affected) and shared her dream of advocating for community and PLWHIV involvement in improving health service with a group of HIV positive women in Chalumna (her home town) in 2009 and that is when the organization was birthed.


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